Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

The Three-Dimensional Communication System

Human communication is always three dimensional. No spoken or written message is still just words or rational thoughts. All exchanges between you and another person is also taking place in the following three closely related levels or dimensions, that: emotional, physical and rational. Any attempt to communicate will succeed if all of these dimensions is respected. Knowledge of the three-dimensional nature of the foundation training. You can not get much closer without any real understanding of these achievements.

This knowledge is the basis for the use of virtually any training device or medium you can name. For example, knowledge of the existence and the need for the rational content of the elementary basis for stating that an attempt to understand the different ways to do so. Similarly, knowledge of the existence and the need for the physical content is the basis and reason for use of any form of audio-visual support, graphics, illustrations, or other sensory communicative devices. Finally, a fundamental understanding of the existence and need for emotional content is the basis for the use of what is commonly known as an emotional appeal in the communication of ideas.

Consider the three dimensions of communication before the next train, so we'll definitely see the difference.

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