We should always keep our ears and eyes open, because there's no telling where we can learn the basic lessons in marketing communications - from long-president of tattooed bikers. Here's what I mean:
the words
to commemorate the 40th anniversary of D-Day, President Reagan almost his entire speech to tell the story of a World War II private who did not live long enough to join the festivities, but who was represented by his daughter.
"Quoting a daughter, Reagan said:" He made me feel the fear of the ship waiting to land. I can smell the ocean and feel the seasickness. I can see the looks on the faces of his fellow soldiers - the fear, anxiety, uncertainty of what lies ahead. And when they landed, I could feel the strength and courage of people who have those first steps through the tide of what seemed a safe time to die ."
When I think about that speech, I was bouncing in the rough waves of the French coast, fate unknown. A humble family whose story is a big part of history.
In the picture:
In a PowerPoint presentation about the importance of branding, marketing executive clicked on one picture - close-up burly biker on the forearm, which featured a Harley Davidson logo tattoo. No words (or word slides) can ever convey the power of brands better than this one, unforgettable images. This single picture created a wonderful platform for the speaker to him a few key points clearly and succinctly.
an image that speaks of the much-hyped word "branding". The high marks from the man who would never get on a vehicle is missing two wheels.
Abe Lincoln: marketing genius
A strong, powerful communication is a big challenge and a rough-and tumble days. Just ask Abraham Lincoln. OK this is impossible, but this is a war president, with only one year of formal schooling, to understand how to communicate in difficult times, better than just about anyone.
It could be argued that Lincoln was our best president because he was the best writer living in the White House. He knew in his bones that words matter. His writing skills, not only helped the Union together when he is in danger of collapse, but his careful, and sometimes poetic use of language - and his understanding of its impact on the public at the precise moment - the end has changed the direction of storyteller nacije.Veliki as it will leave your friends and colleagues laughing -. I think the point is to create long after the silly story told by
the book Abraham Lincoln, the biography of writer , author Fred Kaplan explains that Lincoln knew weave precise language, concise phrases and logical tightness "personal voice that was honest, colloquial, anecdotal, and humorous, projecting a dignified persona but likable truth ."
Lincoln also understood - when the photo of the new communications technology of its time - that the images will create a bond with the citizens he certainly would never meet in person. So he sat for many portraits and distributed them widely, ranging from his campaign for the White House. Today we remember Lincoln as a brilliant, the central character, mainly because we know so dobro.Čovjek craggy face and his story is still sticky, about 150 years later. In short, it was a heck of a marketer.
What Abe is a lesson for the day when most people have a short attention span, easily bored, and do not read very much or very well to listen to? Our best bet is to paint mental pictures and tell stories capture the imagination and keep them from outside the space. As Abe will show us, to be frank, colloquial, anecdotal, and humorous (when possible). Make every word count in the design of "dignity, but nice authenticity ."
is a story and a mental picture can often tell you everything. This is really how people relate, understand, and remember. Abe knew. "With malice toward none, with charity for all ..."
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